One Piece, Fruits Basket events announced for FunimationCon 2020

Funimation will go the virtual route with FunimationCon 2020, and yesterday, they unveiled a slew of panels hitting up the two-day event.

The English voice cast of Fruits Basket will hold a panel to discuss the show’s second season, which premiered back in April. Eric Vale (Yuki), Jerry Jewell (Kyo), Mikaela Krantz (Momiji) and Colleen Clinkenbeard (Akito),  Aaron Dismuke (Kakeru) and Caitlin Glass (Machi, ADR Director) will be on hand to talk about the show and do a live reading.

Some of your favorite voice actors from One Piece will come together to discuss the beloved anime series. Colleen Clinkenbeard (Luffy), Brina Palencia (Tony Tony Chopper), and Mike McFarland (Buggy the Clown) are among those who will join the panel moderated by Funimation’s Josellie Rios.

Fire Force will dive into season two this July, and voice actors Derick Snow (Shinra), Justin Briner (Sho), Eric Vale (Arthur), Christopher Wehkamp (Hinawa) will be on hand to discuss the show. This panel will be moderated by Matt Acevedo (Hyper RPG).

Aside from panels, FunimationCon will feature musical performances from Blue Encount (My Hero Academia), Flow (Naruto Shippuden), and Kana-Boon (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans) with DJ MarGenal spinning the best in anisong. FunimationCon will also air select musical performances from SACRA MUSIC FES.2019.

FunimationCon 2020, which hits the internet on July 3 and July 4, will be available to watch for free on Funimation’s website. More information about the virtual convention will be announced soon.