Holy Motors release new song "Endless Night"

Americana outfit Holy Motors have unveiled their new single “Endless Night” today.

Guitarist Lauri Raus had this to say about the track, which you can stream below:

"I woke up. It was still morning. Last night the Virginia state police had pulled our van over somewhere in the Shenandoah Valley and the officer on duty insisted we abstain from further driving and stay the night or what was left of it anyway right there in little "Helltown" Front Royale. Iggy Pop was on TV the next morning. We had buttered waffles and coffee and I had a feeling I was going to write a song about the country brown linen and curtains we had in our motel that night.”

“Endless Night” comes from Holy Motors upcoming studio album Horse, which will be released on October 16th via Wharf Cat Records. Pre-orders can be made here. This is the follow-up to their 2018 debut studio album Slow Sundown.