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14-year-old singer-songwriter Sofia Gillani unveils new single "Flames"

Surrey-based singer-songwriter Sofia Gillani unveiled their new single “Flames” yesterday.

The track comes with a smoky music video directed by Jay Notley, which can be seen below. We spoke to the artist for a bit about how much has changed for them following the release of their debut single back in 2020.

1) Since the release of "Ain't A Game," you've been unveiling a handful of singles. Do you see yourself as a different songwriter now than you were back in 2020?

Definitely. I believe that as I’ve gone on this journey, the art of expressing my experiences in life have evolved, and my songs have grown and progressed lyrically along with me. There’s still more development needed, but I know that I’ve got more in store as Sofia Gillani, the bold storyteller.

2) Each single you've released arrived with a music video. How do you decide on which direction each visual will go?

I think about what I’m trying to portray musically, and draft storyboards of how the song would look like if it was on a camera. I have quite a vivid imagination, so along with my amazing team, the sky's the limit and the little victories are significant.

3) You've been playing a handful of shows in recent months. What's it like being on stage through such a wild time in this journey?

Absolutely electric. It’s liberating, free, and seeing people relate and feel joy from my voice is always worth a sight to behold. From mic checks to actually performing, the whole experience is fun, and it reminds me of why music is such a fundamental point in my life.

4) What message do you want the listener to gain from your new single "Flames"?

I want them to feel spiritual in the sense that as they see the progress from water run dry, the intense, villain era is just blossoming, and sins and regrets of the past are being burnt in the masterpiece that is ‘Flames’.

“Flames” is out on digital services right now.

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