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Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 pushed back to May

With the public beta for Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 out now, plenty of wrestling fans have been diving into this next installment of the popular wrestling management series. After listening to feedback, developer Adam Ryland announced the game will pushed back to around May 14. The game was originally slated for an April 30th release through Grey Dog Software.

In a statement, Ryland said:

Unfortunately, there's been an unusually high number of issues this time around, which has surprised me and my testing team given that the game was very stable prior to release. I think this is largely my fault for underestimating just how many combinations of settings, data, and options are possible in TEW2020 and not widening our testing process enough to account for that, and that's been compounded by the fact that the global lockdown means that the amount of people playing (and the amount of hours each person is putting in) is so hugely out of proportion to what we'd have under normal conditions that we're getting the equivalent of a month or two of testing in just a few days.

I'm dealing with the issues as quick as I can, but it's become clear that I'm not going to have the game in a state I consider acceptable by the release date of the 30th. As a result, I've decided to push the release back a little while and extend the public beta. I'm currently estimating that an extra two weeks will give me ample time to do the necessary work, which would put the new release date at around the 14th May. It may be a little earlier or a little later than that depending on how things go, so what I will do is update you in a week or so on where we stand.

People can download the free public beta here to test out the game’s new features. The full game will be available to purchase for $34.95.