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10 standout games at E3 2021

The 2021 installment of E3 is done, and it brought a slew of new game announcements to our attention. With so many games revealed, there’s something for everyone. We look at 10 great games that stood out among the bevy of games.

Dodgeball Academia

2021 will forever be known as the year of dodgeball. Publisher Humble Games and developer Pocket Trap have joined forces to add more dodgeball mayhem to consoles with the RPG Dodgeball Academia. In the game, players control new academy recruit Otto to help them become the dodgeball master. The game is slated to arrive later this year on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.


Tinykin is a colorful platformer about an alien astronaut looking to escape from their surroundings. The game is developed by Splashteam, which features former Ubisoft workers. The game, which will be released next year on consoles and PC, can be wishlisted on Steam right now.


Do you like NBA Jam? Do you like the possibility of seeing robots dropping sick three-pointers? Well, Robodunk is here for you. Developed by Jollypunch Games, Robodunk combines basketball, robots, and roguelite mechanics to create an intriguing game. Head here to sign up for beta access.

Metroid Dread

The long-rumored Metroid Dread is a reality, and longtime fans have been losing their minds. In the game, Samus must evade EMMI robots while checking out the planet ZDR. The game will arrive on the Nintendo Switch on October 8. Pre-orders are available right now.


There’s always room for more snowboarding games, and Shredders will deliver with some glorious action in the mountains. Shredders will make its way onto the Xbox Series X|S this December with a day one launch on Xbox Game Pass. A proper release date will be announced soon.

Dark Deity

For their first video game, new team Sword & Axe displayed their love for turn based strategy RPGs with Dark Deity. The team didn’t just bring an announcement trailer, which can be seen below. Instead of waiting months to play the game, the developers surprise released the game on Steam.


Sam Barlow certainly has a knack for creating some intriguing video games. Following acclaimed games Her Story and Telling Lies, the video game developer will bring fans into the world of Immortality, which follows the story of fictional vanished actress Marissa Marcel. The game, which will arrive in 2022, can be wishlisted on Steam right now.


In Snacko, cats Momo and Mikan are starting over in the island of Snacko, which has been ruined by an evil curse. It's up to them to revitalize the land by growing crops, fishing, and redecorating. Snacko will be released on the Nintendo Switch and PC in 2022. The game can be wishlisted on Steam right now.


Who doesn't like taking photos of awesome dogs? With Pupperazzi, players can do just that in this delightful game created by Sundae Month. Players can take photos of dogs in various locations without having to deal with pesky humans. No release date has been unveiled for this game yet.

Metal Slug Tactics

For decades, Metal Slug has been one of the most prolific run and gun game franchises out there. This year, however, things are gonna change with the arrival of Metal Slug Tactics, which heads into the tactical RPG route. No release date has been announced yet. The game can be wishlisted on Steam right now.