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PAX West 2024 celebrated 20 years in Seattle (photos)

Photo credit: Terrance Pryor/MP3s and NPCs

20 years ago, Penny Arcade co-founders Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik decided to create something exclusively for gamers in the region. PAX (then known as Penny Arcade Expo) debuted with over 3,000 eager gaming fanatics in attendance. Over the years, the event grew in size and quickly became a premier video game festival with additional events taking place in Boston, Melbourne, Philadelphia, and San Antonio.

Over the weekend, over 100,000 attendees from around the world packed the Seattle Convention Center to celebrate PAX's 20th anniversary. PAX West wasn't the only one celebrating its anniversary this year; Five Nights At Freddy's offered a special 10th anniversary birthday celebration on the show floor with various characters from the game joining in the festivities. The weekend was also a bid farewell to gaming podcast (and frequent PAX guests) What's Good Games, who hosted a farewell party down the road at Art Marble 21.

Our photos from PAX West 2024 can be seen below. PAX West will make its return next year from Friday, Aug. 29, to Monday, Sept. 1 at the Seattle Convention Center. More information about PAX West 2025 will be revealed soon. PAX will finish up 2024 with PAX Australia in October and PAX Unplugged in December. More details about PAX can be found here.

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