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Nashville alt-pop artist Caroline Romano releases new single "Guts"

Photo credit: Logan Christopher

Nashville alt-pop artist Caroline Romano releases new single "Guts" today.

The new single, which can be heard below, teamed Romano up with songwriters/producers Joe Tounge and John Townsend. Romano said this about the new track:

“I’ve always had this thing in social settings — especially at house parties, bars, or really anywhere with pretty strangers — where I feel like people can see right through me, like I’m completely transparent. So, in some terrible attempt at compensation, I’ll say too much or drink too much. I end up spilling my guts to people as a form of free therapy, or self-sabotage, I’m not sure which it is. And then I watch them watch me dig myself further, with my guts on the floor in front of them. That’s how I end things before they’ve even started, and that’s what this song is about. It’s frantic and eager and frustrated all at the same time.”

“Guts” is out on digital services right now. Romano has been promoting their debut album Oddities and Prodigies with performances in Nashville and Los Angeles.

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