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McKinley Dixon releases new song "Bless The Child"

Photo credit: David Muessig

Virginia rapper McKinley Dixon has unveiled the final single from their forthcoming album For My Mama and Anyone Who Look Like Her today.

"Bless The Child" comes equipped with a music video directed by David Muessig. Dixon said this about the new song:

"Loosely named after Toni Morrison’s novel 'God Help The Child' this song is probably a direct relay of me trying to do time travel through processing outloud. Broken up into three sections with three beat switches: The beginning of the song revolves around memories I had with a loved one who passed away abruptly. The bridge revolves around the present, a very conflicted and loud spiral moment with myself questioning my intentions. And it ends with me thinking about what I’m going to do in the future to rectify these feelings I’ve had."

Pre-orders for For My Mama And Anyone Who Look Like Her can be made here. The 11-track album arrives on May 7 via Spacebomb Records.