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Louise Patricia Crane releases new single "Celestial Dust"

Photo credit: Carrie Davenport

Irish singer-songwriter Louise Patricia Crane delivered their new single "Celestial Dust" on Wednesday.

The new song, which comes from Crane’s forthcoming studio album Netherworld, comes with a music video directed by Crane with production assistance from Lorena Carey of Full Moon Media. Crane said this about the new song/video:

Carl Sagan's writing on 'The Pale Blue Dot' reminds us of our ephemeral place in the universe, and puts in stark perspective the minutiae of our problems here on earth, within our own little microcosm. Writing Netherworld took me to parts of my own past and psyche that I couldn't have foreseen, when I set out to write it.

Stargazing and daydreaming about other worlds far off in the vastness of space, of possible other lives lived and loves lost, is to me, romantic and also comforting. It appeals to the fatalistic part of me a great deal!

This is what inspired me to write Celestial Dust, and I've been so looking forward to today and it being heard — as it's one of my favourite songs on the album!! I'm honoured to be backed up by the dream team rhythm section of Tony Levin on bass and Gary Husband on drums. Jakko M. Jakszyk on lead guitar (that solo!!!), and in stunning prominence here, Shir-Ran Yinon returns on violin and John Devine on low whistle.

The video is my nostalgic love letter to where I spent so many hours of my childhood, as I shot it at The Strand here in my native East Belfast, a true Art Deco cinema built in the 1930's. It's the story of a daydreaming projectionist who watches the faraway stars, only this time they're the ones on the silver screen. Fantasising about what those other worlds are like, and then taking a step in to that surrealist dream for a time. It was such an honour to have this opportunity to shoot here and to direct another video where the story and theme is so close to my heart.

The excellent video production is by Lorena of Full Moon Media, who helped bring my vision to life and who I give my deep gratitude for, for working with me on all my music videos up to this point.

Crane’s new album Netherworld will be released on June 21. Pre-orders for the record can be made here.

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