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Los Angeles singer-songwriter Thea Sass-Ainsworth releases new single “Love Me Lonely”

Photo credit: Yazon Lo

Los Angeles singer-songwriter Thea Sass-Ainsworth unveiled their new single “Love Me Lonely” yesterday.

The new song was produced by Andy Goldstone at Platypus Sound. An accompanying music video for the song, which can be seen below, was directed by the artist with assistance from director of photography Yazon Lo.

Sass-Ainsworth said this about the new song:

“Love Me Lonely” is about profound isolation- the winter of your soul, the kind of pain that seeps into you. It’s the shock of loss, of love; of deep longing and anger, and the space we exist in after we are left alone, and lonely."

“Love Me Lonely” is the first piece of new music from Sass-Ainsworth following the release of their 2022 debut EP Manderley. A single release show will take place on April 27 at The Semi-Tropic (1412 Glendale Blvd) with support from Blackpaw.

“Love Me Lonely” is available on digital services right now.

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