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Latinx in Gaming to host mobile game jam with $80k prize pool

Nonprofit organization Latinx in Gaming will host a mobile game jam for aspiring game designers.

Announced today, the game jam, which has a $80,000 prize pool, will last from October 7 through November 18. Mobile game developers from all backgrounds are allowed to participate. The opening ceremony, which will unveil the theme for the game jam, will take place on October via Zoom. Registration for the ceremony can be made here. On December 9, the closing ceremony will take place on Latinx in Gaming’s Twitch channel. At the closing ceremony, four winning teams will each get $20,000 to get the gam fully funded and published on the Google Play Store. Interested developers can sign up for the game jam here.

Cristina Amaya, Founder, and President of Latinx in Gaming said this about the game jam:

“Latinx in Gaming is thrilled to put on Quick Play to spotlight mobile game developers from all backgrounds. We’re excited to see the creative submissions and are honored to be able to host a platform that will give mobile game developers the chance to show off their talent.”

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