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Ex-NFL player Morgan Kane launches mobile games studio Marauder Tech Games

Former NFL player Morgan Kane is diving into the world of mobile games with a brand new business venture.

Revealed today, Kane is launching the mobile games studio Marauder Tech Games alongside former Activision senior president Joel Balyeat. Marauder Tech Games is currently working on a turn-based strategy game, which is slated for release later this year on mobile phones.

Kane said this about starting Marauder Tech Games:

“Marauder started as an idea more than a decade ago. I’ve always enjoyed strategy games, but at the time, I didn’t have the resources available to start a game studio. In April of 2023, I decided to hire my first developer, and now, more than a year later, we’re ready to start slowly lifting the veil of what we’ve been working on for the past year and a half. 

Our goal with Marauder’s maiden title is to provide a unique take on the turn-based genre. Turn-based strategy games typically take quite a while to finish, and not everyone has time to sit behind their screen for multiple hours to finish a game. The focus on our first title is that players can play it when and wherever they want without feeling extreme time constraints for their moves.”

Balyeat, who serves as Marauder Tech Games’ Chief Product Officer, also said:

“As a new studio, we had the opportunity to do things different from traditional game studios. Our remote setup allows us to hire great talent from all over the world for every position without having to relocate them to a single area. We’re also extremely focused on hiring a diverse talent pool, from experienced AAA developers to juniors with fresh perspectives.

So far, our strategy has been extremely successful. We’ve been able to gather a strong team from people all over the world, which has allowed us to be adaptable and agile in our approach from prototyping to beta testing. Being in a relatively fast developer environment also means that we’re fast to implement feedback from our external tests much quicker than is usual for teams of this size.”

More information about Marauder Tech Games can be found on its website here.