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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII remaster announced for late 2022

The PSP-exclusive Crisis Core: Final Fantasy will head to modern consoles later this year.

Announced at yesterday’s Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary Celebration, a remastered version of the game titled Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion will make its way to the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. This remastered version will feature enhanced graphics and models, full voiceovers, and new music arrangements.

Released in 2007, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy is a prequel to the iconic 1997 video game Final Fantasy VII. The game follows SOLDIER 1st Class Zack Fair’s mission to find missing SOLDIER Genesis Rhapsodos. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy sold over three million copies worldwide, which makes it one of the best-selling PSP games of all time.

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